Our Services


People abuse substances such as illicit drugs, prescription medications, and alcohol, for varied and complicated reasons. It is clear that our society pays a significant cost. The toll for this abuse can be seen in our hospitals and emergency departments through direct damage to health by substance abuse and its link to physical trauma. Therefore, as a physician you must help reduce the abuse of pain medications while providing an effective treatment plan for your patients.



» An easy way to monitor drug abuse while you focus on quality care

» Accuracy and precision with urine and oral fluid drug testing on over 50 drugs. Our protocol for extensive data review ensures dependable data that you can count on.

» State of the art (UP-LC/MS) technology used for monitoring drug compounds tested to the lowest detection levels.

» ​​Customize your testing panel based on your needs.

» Two-page summary reports to track and compare patient compliance and/or patterns of drug misuse in your office.​​

» Customized reports provided to you within 24-48 hours. Easily accessible via HIPPA compliant Web Portal, Email, and Fax.


RHB Laboratories’ staff strives to lower the risk of prescription drug abuse in your practice.

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